Collection: Handmade Indigo Throws

Splendid range of Handmade Indigo Throws, meticulously crafted with precision and passion in the heart of India. These throws are not just home décor; they are pieces of artistry and tradition woven into every thread, showcasing the ancient wisdom of indigo dyeing. 

Indigo, often hailed as "the king of dyes," traces its roots to the Indigofera plant, boasting a legacy that spans centuries. In the skilled hands of Indian artisans, this age-old dyeing technique transforms plain fabrics into captivating works of art. These throws pay homage to the mastery and heritage passed down through generations.

The Creation Process Handmade Indigo Throws come to life through a meticulous and time-honoured process. Master craftsmen immerse the fabric in natural indigo dye baths, layer by layer, to achieve the deep, resplendent blue shades that define indigo textiles. Various resist techniques, such as tie-dye, block printing, or batik, are employed to craft intricate patterns and designs on the fabric, turning it into a canvas of artistic expression.

The dyed fabric is gently sun-dried, allowing the indigo to undergo oxidation, gradually revealing its iconic blue hue, radiant as the Indian sky. Each throw is lovingly finished with hand-stitched embroidery or adorned with tassels, adding a touch of authenticity and individuality to every piece.